But don't talk in ranks.
It's against regulations.
To the rear! March!
The other way.
Turn around.
Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up
Two, three, four
To the rear! Ho!
Company, halt!
That means stop.
Company, left face!
March, march, march.
My feet are killing me.
I'm puttin' in for
a transfer to another herd.
Silence in the ranks!
Dress up that line.
Pull it in, Winifred.
Inspection! Arms!
Stick your nose out.
- Like this?
- That's right.
A dusty muzzle.
Soldier, remember, in battle,
that trunk can save your life.
- Take good care of it, my man.
- Yes, sir!
Very good. Cary on.
- Let's have a little more spit
and polish on those bayonets.
- Yes, sir.
Esprit de corps.
That's the way I earned my commission in
the Maharajah's fifth pachyderm brigade.
Back in '88, it was.
Uh, or was it?
Here it comes.
The Victoria Cross bit again.
It was then I received
the Victoria Cross...
for bravely above and
beyond the call of duty.
Those were the days.
Discipline was the thing.