Sabotage! I'll have
no man cub in my jungle!
-I-It's not your jungle!
-Hold it! Hold it! I can explain, Hathi.
Colonel Hathi,
If you please, sir.
Oh, yes, yes.
Colonel Hathi.
Uh, the man cub is with me.
I'm taking him back to the man village.
- To stay?
- You have the word of Bagheera.
Good. And remember,
an elephant never forgets.
I don't know what the army's
coming to these days.
These young whippersnappers,
who do they think they are?
Let's get on with it!
Right face!
Forward march!
Dear, haven't you
forgotten something?
Nonsense, Winifred old girl.
An elephant never forgets.
Well, you just
forgot our son.
Uh, uh, son-- Son?
Son! Oh, yes, yeah, yeah!
Quite right.
To the rear! March!
When I grow up, I'm gonna be
a Colonel, just like my--
- If I've told you once, I've
told you a thousand times--
- Oh!
Pop! Look out!
Gee, Pop, you forgot
to say "halt."
He said an elephant
never forgets.
It's not funny.
Now let's get out of here quick
before anything else happens.
Where are we goin'?