Uh, uh, son-- Son?
Son! Oh, yes, yeah, yeah!
Quite right.
To the rear! March!
When I grow up, I'm gonna be
a Colonel, just like my--
- If I've told you once, I've
told you a thousand times--
- Oh!
Pop! Look out!
Gee, Pop, you forgot
to say "halt."
He said an elephant
never forgets.
It's not funny.
Now let's get out of here quick
before anything else happens.
Where are we goin'?
You're going back to
the man village right now.
- I'm not going.
- Oh, yes, you are!
I'm staying right here!
You're going if I have to
drag you every step of the way.
- Let go, you--
- You let go of me!
Oh, that does it.
I've had it, man cub!
From now on, you're
on your own alone!
Don't worry about me.