Knowing I
Am around
Slip into silent slumber
Sail on a silver mist
Slow Iy and sure lyyoursenses
Will cease to resist
You're snoring.
Trust in me
And just in me
Shut your eyes
And trust in me
Oh, now what?
I'll be right down.
Yes? Yes?
Who is it?
It's me, Shere Khan.
I'd like a word with you
If you don't mind.
Shere Khan.
What a surprise.
Yes, isn't it?
I just dropped by.
Forgive me if I've interrupted anything.
Oh, no, no,
nothing at all.
I thought perhaps you were entertaining
someone up there in your coils.
Coils? Someone?
Oh, no.
I was just curling up
for my siesta.
But you were singing to someone.
Who is it, Kaa?
Uh, who? Oh, no.
Well, I was just singing,
uh, to myself.
- Indeed.
- Yes. Yes, you see...
I have trouble
with my sinuses.
- What a pity.
- Oh, you have no idea.
It's simply terrible.