Now, Voyager

She's coming down.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Has my daughter-in-law telephoned?

Mrs. Lisa phoned.
She'll be here at 4:00.

Is 4 now. We'll pour tea
in the drawing room.

Very good, ma'am.
Mrs. Lisa is bringing someone.
- Show them in here.
- Very good.

Tell Miss Charlotte
to be down in 10 minutes.

How often must I tell you not to have
the table here now?

Sorry, ma'am.
Whas that noise?
Whoever is doing that
will kindly stop.

- Whoever said that...
- Yes, thas Mother.

I'll go smooth the path.
Messy things, pipes. I like them.
- Your coat, sir.
- Oh, yes, yes.

Thank you.
- This way, please.
- Thank you.

There can be no harm
in talking. I thought...

Dr. Jaquith, my mother-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Windle Vale.

- How do you do?
- I will not pretend...

...that I approve of you.
My daughter Charlotte is no more ill
than a molting canary.

Thas what we hope he will confirm.
Mother's disapproval isn't personal.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.

The last doctor I consulted
warned me my heart would finish me.

The fact I've outlived him has
not increased my trust of doctors.

A highly sensible reaction.
