Now, Voyager

Whoever is doing that
will kindly stop.

- Whoever said that...
- Yes, thas Mother.

I'll go smooth the path.
Messy things, pipes. I like them.
- Your coat, sir.
- Oh, yes, yes.

Thank you.
- This way, please.
- Thank you.

There can be no harm
in talking. I thought...

Dr. Jaquith, my mother-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Windle Vale.

- How do you do?
- I will not pretend...

...that I approve of you.
My daughter Charlotte is no more ill
than a molting canary.

Thas what we hope he will confirm.
Mother's disapproval isn't personal.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.

The last doctor I consulted
warned me my heart would finish me.

The fact I've outlived him has
not increased my trust of doctors.

A highly sensible reaction.
Please try to relax
your grim disapproval...

...with this doctor.
We're honored by the visit of
the country's foremost psychiatrist.

It was pretty sweet of him
to come from New York to Boston.

He doesn't go to people.
They go to him.

Wouldn't hurt if you added thas
from lack of time, not vanity.

And, Mother, before I forget it...
...don't call him
Dr. Jaquith near Charlotte.

Thas his name.
Yes, but forget the "doctor."
Make it "mister."

She'll shut up like a clam
if she thinks we're examining her.

So please try to cooperate.
I've already sent for her.
My little girl will be here directly.
Miss Charlotte.
Your mother's waiting
in the drawing room.
