Now, Voyager

There's nothing
like these Boston homes.

Here on Marlborough Street,
they stand like bastions.

Firm, proud, resisting the new.
Houses turned in, hugging their pride.
- Introverted, doctor.
- I wouldn't know about that.

I don't believe in scientific terms.
I leave that to fakirs and writers.

Thas the room where I was born.
- My mother's.
- Fine room.

Do you think so?
I'd prefer to see your room.
- I'm not your patient yet.
- Nobody thinks you ever will be.

I've seen the rooms of many people.
Of course, if you don't want to...
Is on the floor above.
When I was 17,
I came in once after midnight.

That tread hasn't been fixed since.
She locks her door.
Make a note of it.

Significant, isn't it?
It signifies that is your door.
A woman's home is her castle.
My castle, doctor.
This was built to last a lifetime.
Enduring and inescapable.
Are you comfortable here?
I try to be. I'm here most of the time.
Why, whas this?
Did you do these?
Why shouldn't I?
The point is how you could.
