That tread hasn't been fixed since.
She locks her door.
Make a note of it.
Significant, isn't it?
It signifies that is your door.
A woman's home is her castle.
My castle, doctor.
This was built to last a lifetime.
Enduring and inescapable.
Are you comfortable here?
I try to be. I'm here most of the time.
Why, whas this?
Did you do these?
Why shouldn't I?
The point is how you could.
They're professional.
Do you mind if I look?
No, I don't mind.
They aren't difficult. I get raw ivory.
I have the tools.
Is just a matter of the doing.
And the skill!
This is very good detail.
I admire people who are clever
with their hands. I'm clumsy.
I thought you were the least
clumsy person I'd ever met.
This is excellent!
You may have one.
- May I? Any one?
- Of course.
All except this one.
While I worked on it,
my mother sent for me.
My chisel slipped.
- A pity to ruin such a nice box.
- Yes.
- I'll get something to wrap it in.
- No.
Any old piece of paper will do.