Perhaps this will help you know why.
You showed me your album,
I'll show you mine.
A picture of my family.
Family is right.
- Your grandmother?
- My mother.
A very strong character.
- These?
- My brothers and wives.
Who's the fat lady with
the heavy brows and all the hair?
A spinster aunt.
Where are you?
Taking the picture?
I'm the fat lady with the heavy brows
and all the hair.
I'm poor Aunt Charlotte. I've been ill.
I've been in a sanitarium
for three months.
And I'm not well yet, and l...
Forgive me.
Feeling better?
Thanks to you.
Many, many thanks to you.
Thanks for what?
For sharing my carriage...
...for sightseeing...
...for lunch and shopping...
...for helping me feel
there were a few moments...
...when I almost felt alive.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, who?
Thank you, Jerry.
I must go in now.
Good night, Camille.
Meet me for breakfast?
- Yes.
- Sleep well.
Good night.