actually, in continuity,
and the first l played
with Bob Cummings.
A lovely man.
A delightful man ,
who was very kind to me.
Uh-oh. Bottleneck.
Mr Roosevelt should hear of this.
I'm sorry.
I hope you didn't hurt yourself.
- My friend says he's sorry.
- OK.
l was trying to establish
a very vivid character
right at the start of this piece,
because he disappears
and doesn't appear
until the latter part of the picture.
How do you know my name?
What do you care
how I know your name?
I saw it on one of those
envelopes you dropped.
l wanted to make some kind
of strong statement
so that they would
remember me all through.
Hitchcock was such
a wonderful communicator.
And he said what he wanted was,
and he drew a sketch...
a little rough sketch,
and then he just scribbled over it.
He said, "l want the smoke
to come in like that. ''
And l thought, well,
of all the directors l had worked with,
this was the first time somebody
not only told me what they wanted,
but showed me.
(Alarm Blaring)
The paint shop!
It'll go up like dynamite!
- Here, take this one.
- What about me? Don't I get to play?
What l remember is that Hitchcock
cast as the victim of this fire,
a man named Virgil Summers,
and Virgil Summers
was the best boy on the crew.
He was not an actor.
Hitch took a look at Virgil,
and he thought,
"This man looks like the perfect
worker in an aircraft factory."
And he did.
He was young, wonderful-looking guy,