although she was engaged
in these traitorous activities.
Please don't discuss things
of that sort here.
It's rather nauseating
and quite out of place.
We're in trouble now.
He got Alan Baxter.
That mild, meek manner
you knew contained a killer.
Sometimes l wish my younger child
had been a girl.
In fact, my wife and I often argue
over a little idiosyncrasy I have.
I don't want his hair cut
short until he's much older.
Do you think it will be bad for him?
Hitchcock, he had an instinct
about human behaviour at times.
And in Saboteur,
the whole business of Alan Baxter,
who had curls as a little boy...
When I was a child,
I had long golden curls.
People used to stop
on the street to admire me.
lt's something Hitch went after
without all the modern psychoanalysis,
because his instinct as an artist
drew him to
this very offbeat character,
and it gave him a strangeness
and a threat.
Hitchcock, of course,
always did a little cameo.
He elected to do one in Saboteur.
He took his secretary at the time,
and the cameo he worked out is
they walked down the street
and they played deaf and dumb people.
And Hitchcock
did different deaf and dumb
signs with her,
and she slapped him in the face.
Meaning he had made
an indecent proposal.
Carol Stevens was her name,
the secretary,
and they walked along and they...
He's going that way, you see.
And bam! She hits him.
it's not in the picture,