Full fuel, lube, oil, battery
and fresh water.
Engineering department
ready for sea, sir.
Request permission to warm up
the main engine.
- Okay, Larry.
- Thank you, sir.
Sweetheart, we're shoving off
ahead of schedule.
Something urgent.
I tried to telephone you
and the children...
... to wish you a merry Christmas...
... and to tell you I'm now wearing
three stripes on my sleeve...
... and some embarrassingly shiny
scrambled eggs on my cap.
I hope you like
the nylon stockings, darling.
Don 't ask me how I got them.
Tell Michael I couldn 't find
a toy submarine.
Tell him it's the war.
He'll understand.
There's even a shortage of teddy bears,
but I found one for Debby.
I hope her chickenpox didn 't leave
any marks on that sweet face.
Full torpedoes onboard.
All tubes loaded and ready for war shot.
Full ammunition and pyrotechnics
- Gunnery department ready for sea, sir.
- Very well, Pete.
- Send in the mail orderly, please.
- Aye, aye, sir.
I've got the same good crew.
A few new men from sub school.
If we were together tonight, darling...
- Mail orderly, captain.
- Mail this before we shove off.
Aye, aye, sir.
All hands aboard. All departments
ready for sea.
Secured quarters.
They won't kick you upstairs.
- You're too valuable at sea.
- Who's kidding who?
I'll be fighting from a desk
after this patrol, Andy.