...because that's the kind
of a man Mike was.
- What's that you're reading?
- San Francisco telephone directory.
- I collect names.
- What do you do with them?
Just meditate. Wonder what kind
of people go with the names.
- Wonder what the names mean.
- Names don't mean nothing.
- Oh, no?
- No.
- Well, my name's Wainwright.
- Wainwright. So what?
My grandpa used to build wagons. A
wainwright's a guy who builds wagons.
- Like covered wagons?
- Sure.
Maybe he built some
wagons crossed the plains.
Some grandpas built houses.
Name's Carpenter.
Some grandpas made clothes.
Name's Tailor.
Some guy's grandpa built wheels
for my grandpa's wagons.
Name's Wheelwright,
a guy who builds wheels.
Sun lamp ready in the forward room.
Come on, GI sunshine.
Don't tell me the captain
finally gave up that sun lamp.
Phone books are fascinating.
I'm nuts about them.
Personally, I use phone books
for long shots.
In San Diego, I had nothing to do
and nothing on my mind...
Except skirts.
So I sees this phone book.
I flip it open. I come to a name.
Rosalie Riley.
"Pretty name," I says to myself.
"I wonder what she's like."
- So...
- So you call her up.
No. Why waste time?
I go right out to her house,
21 Valley Road.
Never forget it.
Had roses all over the place.