Yes. There is a similarity.
But I wouldn't swear
is the same man.
Of course is not
the same man.
If it were.
I'd be off me top.
I think the sergeant here
better come back to Cardiff
with us...
and see if he can positively
identify this man.
Thas the thing to do.
Do you mind if I
use your telephone?
I'd like to check up
on my patiens condition.
Of course. Doctor. Over there.
Hello? Put me through
to the Queen's Hospital
in Cardiff. Please.
I want to talk to
Dr. Gordon.
Have you ever heard of
a Gypsy woman named Maleva?
A Gypsy woman?
A vagrant. Eh?
We always
register them.
Hello. Dr. Gordon?
This is Dr. Mannering speaking.
How's Lawrence Talbot
You know. The head-injury case
that went violent yesterday.
Did you notify the police?
Well. I suppose thas all
we can do at present.
I'll be back tonight. Doctor.
What happened to Talbot?
Did he die?
No. He tore off
his straightjacket during
the night and escaped.
Tore off
his straightjacket?
Bit right through it.
Tore it to shreds
with his teeth.
With his teeth?
Stop it!