Well. I suppose thas all
we can do at present.
I'll be back tonight. Doctor.
What happened to Talbot?
Did he die?
No. He tore off
his straightjacket during
the night and escaped.
Tore off
his straightjacket?
Bit right through it.
Tore it to shreds
with his teeth.
With his teeth?
Stop it!
What do you want here?
I'm looking for
an old Gypsy woman.
Maleva is her name.
Is she here with you?
Yeah. She is with us.
You'll find her
over there.
They told me
you'd left England.
I've looked all over Europe
for you. From town to town.
Now that I've found you.
you must help me.
Come in.
What do you want
from me?