All right, Dan. I'm coming.
- It's a dog.
- What?
A dog.
You poor, poor thing.
Now, who left you out on a night like this?
Dan'I, I think we have to carry him.
That's the last of the milk, Dally.
Won't be any for your tea
tomorrow morning.
It won't matter, Dan.
I often think we do things just from habit.
In America, they say that
they always drink their tea without milk.
Happen that's because
they haven't learned any better.
Do you know, Dally,
I do believe she swam the river.
Swam the river?
Whatever makes you think that?
I saw her draggly trail all through the mud.
- It came from the river.
- Did you swim the river, girl?
Did you swim all that way
to get from Scotland into England?
Dan, she doesn't seem to be swallowing.
- What?
- Do you think she's dying?
I don't know, Dally.
Best thing we can do is just to let her be.
I think I'll sit up with her tonight.
- Now, Dally, you've done your best.
- But she might need some help.
She's such a bonny dog, Dan.
Such a bonny dog.