This is a forgery.
Here's the one I got from you.
And you came anyway!
I was deeply hurt.
But still I forgave you.
A woman is always prepared
to excuse a love like this.
Do I disappoint you?
And I thought
you were way above all this.
We're much the same.
- But I'm not free.
- You love another woman?
I'm haunted by...
Maybe I'll tell you some day.
No one's asking you to.
I don't throw myself at others.
What worries me
is why this meeting was arranged.
I don't know,
but I certainly won't draw it out.
Good-bye, Germain.
Good-bye, Laura.
Don't be angry with me.
If ever you need me, I'll be here.
- You weren't expecting me.
- Why are you here?
Your scruples about me don't stop you
from running after a married woman.
A prudish, spiteful hypocrite!
This meeting is a trap,
and you've fallen into it with us.
Who told you to come?
Someone who knows all about you!
I just got a letter.
- From the Raven?
Why not?
I forbid you to talk to me.
You stole my lover!
Everyone will hear about it!
- Shut up!
- I'll help the Raven!
I won't shut up! Everyone will know!
You bastard!
Lower your voices.
This is God's house.
You're needed, Doctor.
- You knew I was here?
- I saw you come in.
The patient in Bed 13
just committed suicide.
He received an anonymous letter
telling him how ill he was.
He cut his throat with his razor.
What do you think?