You're here, finally.
Come kneel beside me
so no one notices us.
I couldn't come sooner.
Your sister was watching the square.
See what a fix you've put me in.
I should have shown
your letter to my husband.
What letter?
I sent none.
I came because of your note.
What note?
This one.
So, do you know
who the Raven is or not?
This is a forgery.
Here's the one I got from you.
And you came anyway!
I was deeply hurt.
But still I forgave you.
A woman is always prepared
to excuse a love like this.
Do I disappoint you?
And I thought
you were way above all this.
We're much the same.
- But I'm not free.
- You love another woman?
I'm haunted by...
Maybe I'll tell you some day.
No one's asking you to.
I don't throw myself at others.
What worries me
is why this meeting was arranged.
I don't know,
but I certainly won't draw it out.
Good-bye, Germain.
Good-bye, Laura.
Don't be angry with me.
If ever you need me, I'll be here.
- You weren't expecting me.
- Why are you here?
Your scruples about me don't stop you
from running after a married woman.
A prudish, spiteful hypocrite!