Madame Curie

Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
He finally look into it.
Good... Well, good evening.
But you have no umbrella

No, I haven't, Dr. Curie.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
Perhaps I can help you.
Oh, I don't want to trouble you.
Allow me. No trouble at all.
No trouble at all.
Thank you.
You're very kind.
Not at all, Mademoiselle.
May I ask you another question
Dr. Curie
in the same connection?

It's a simple matter, perhaps
but it puzzles me.

Yes, Mademoiselle?
In the semetry
L sub-Q and two L sub-Q

you include only those rotations
which are integral multiples
of two Pi L Q.

But two times
K over Q exclude

the identity transformation
if K is not an integer.
Yes. For final case, I guess.
But in a limited L sub infinity
a difficult seems to arise.

I don't see why it's
quite straightforward.

Well, if you consider the
matter rigorously...

Hmm. I have to look into that.
This is where I lived.
Good bye and thank you.
Of course...
Oh, good bye, mademoiselle.
And may I say your conversation
is very simplely

Thank you.
It's an extremely
dawning hypothesis.
