I don't see why it's
quite straightforward.
Well, if you consider the
matter rigorously...
Hmm. I have to look into that.
This is where I lived.
Good bye and thank you.
Of course...
Oh, good bye, mademoiselle.
And may I say your conversation
is very simplely
Thank you.
It's an extremely
dawning hypothesis.
Good morning, Mademoiselle.
Good morning, Dr. Curie.
I'm a little late this morning.
I have to stop
in at my publishers.
To Mme. Scholoscka
my respect and
friendship of honor...
friendship of honor.
My book.
Oh, it's lovely.
One of the first copy
just off the press.
On semitry and
physical phenomena
Semitry of Electric Field
and of Magnetic Field
by Pierre curie.
That's something to be proud of.
I thought perhaps you might
like a copy.
Oh, I would very much.
Well, it's yours. It's yours
Oh, thank you.
Not at all.