Madame Curie

Do you remember that
Professor Becquerel showed us that rock

The pitch blende and the plate he
exposed to it?

You know, Pierre.
I can't get that out of my mind.
Really? Why?
I know it's true
that the rays give...

not by something
in the pitch blende

I can't get over the feeling
that there's more to it than that

that there's something else
something beyond
Becquerel's explanation.

I don't quite understand.
Well, what are these rays
that given off

and why are they being given off.
It's an accepted principle
in science

that nothing can go on forever
without running dull, isn't it?

I mean, the clock will run dull
if it isn't wound.

Afire would burn out if it's not

Life will die if it is inflate.
Yet in these rocks
which are embedded

in the middle of the earth
millions of years

never seen the sun
Rays are constantly given off
more all by themselves.

What is this energy?
Where does it come from?

I supposed
I'm being very foolish.

Some of the greatest achievements
in science

come to the same type
of foolishness.

When an explanation is given
of something

and every one believes it
there may be one person somewhere
who can't quite accept it,

who instinctively says
I'm not sure that

this is sufficient explanation.
Maybe something beyond this.
It's that
kind of foolishness, Marie.

Well, I'm not that person
I'm sure.

How do you know? Perhaps you are
Perhaps Dr. Becquerel has only
set the gate a jar.

Maybe a long
and unexplored road ahead

I wouldn't even know how to start

I wouldn't know what to do.
