What is this energy?
Where does it come from?
I supposed
I'm being very foolish.
Some of the greatest achievements
in science
come to the same type
of foolishness.
When an explanation is given
of something
and every one believes it
there may be one person somewhere
who can't quite accept it,
who instinctively says
I'm not sure that
this is sufficient explanation.
Maybe something beyond this.
It's that
kind of foolishness, Marie.
Well, I'm not that person
I'm sure.
How do you know? Perhaps you are
Perhaps Dr. Becquerel has only
set the gate a jar.
Maybe a long
and unexplored road ahead
I wouldn't even know how to start
I wouldn't know what to do.
I'm very glad we're married
to each other, Pierre.
Hello, Marie.
My class kept me the day
with the most stupid questions.
Thought I would never get away.
Just tonight
when we're having guests.
I have a terrible problem.
I hope I got the things
you wanted me to get.
I lost the slip that
I made the notes on
and I couldn't remember
whether there was turnips
or carrots, so I got both.