had landed in clover.
Having replaced Erich von Stroheim
on Merry-Go-Round,
which had also starred Mary Philbin
and Phantom leading man Norman Kerry,
Julian was now the studio's star director.
Dignified, sartorial,
with an impeccable waxed moustache,
he was very, very strict -
and also very mediocre.
Almost immediately, Rupert
alienated crew and cast alike.
Phantom cameraman Charles Van Enger
personally recounted the details
to film historian Rudy Behlmer in 1962.
The eyes went heavenward,
and he said that Julian and Lon Chaney,
after the film had started production,
did not get along at all.
And, in fact, it got to a point where
Mr Van Enger was a kind of go-between,
and the two of them didn't speak.
With Van Enger the messenger boy,
Chaney sent word to
"Tell Rupert to go to hell."
Van Enger cautioned Julian to beware,
lest an arc lamp
"accidentally" drop from the rafters.
Norman Kerry, on horseback one day,
became so angry at Julian
that he charged the director's platform,
riding down the cameras.
Julian's wife, Elsie Jane Wilson,
punctured his pomposity constantly,
endearing her to the crew and
smoothing production considerably.
If the behind-the-scenes battles
were colourful, so was the film itself.
The new two-colour Technicolor process
was used for scenes of spectacle.
With over $500,000 spent and the New
York opening set for February 1925,
a January preview was a disaster.
Laemmle fired his general manager.
Rupert Julian walked out.
Director Edward Sedgwick, a Western
specialist, reshot 60 per cent of the film.
Action and comedy would save the day.