He said he wanted
a typical American family.
I told him we weren't
a typical American family.
This was my father's favourite movie,
because he loved the thought
of bringing menace into a small town.
(Girl) I was in the dumps.
Then Uncle Charlie came
and everything changed.
Look at us. For once,
we're all happy at the same time.
(Woman) I remember my father
and Thornton Wilder and my mother
working together on the movie.
The original idea was brought to him
by Gordon McDonell,
who was married
to Margaret McDonell,
who worked at Selznick.
(Man) Shadow of a Doubt
was really the first American Hitchcock.
It was set in America,
as opposed to Suspicion or Rebecca .
Thornton Wilder's input,
since he was American,
since it was about a small town,
since Thornton Wilder wrote the great
small-townAmerican play, Our Town ,
that contributes to
Hitchcock's fondness of it.
On top of which, Thornton Wilder
did not bring an ego to the project.
He was very open, very easy
to work with and very respectful.
This is something Hitch hadn't gotten
from American artists before,
and I think it meant a lot to him.
(O'Connell) After Thornton Wilder
left to join the army,