Shadow of a Doubt

(Woman) I remember my father
and Thornton Wilder and my mother

working together on the movie.
The original idea was brought to him
by Gordon McDonell,

who was married
to Margaret McDonell,

who worked at Selznick.
(Man) Shadow of a Doubt
was really the first American Hitchcock.

It was set in America,
as opposed to Suspicion or Rebecca .
Thornton Wilder's input,
since he was American,

since it was about a small town,
since Thornton Wilder wrote the great
small-townAmerican play, Our Town ,

that contributes to
Hitchcock's fondness of it.

On top of which, Thornton Wilder
did not bring an ego to the project.

He was very open, very easy
to work with and very respectful.

This is something Hitch hadn't gotten
from American artists before,

and I think it meant a lot to him.
(O'Connell) After Thornton Wilder
left to join the army,

my father brought in Sally Benson,
who had just written a play
in New York called Junior Miss ,

which was a big hit.
Then he
and Sally Benson and my mother

worked on the screenplay.
It's one of my favourites
because I loved all the people in it.

I thought it was very well cast,
right down to the last person.

(Woman) I'd come out to California
to do The Little Foxes.

and I went back
to New York to do a play.

Then I came back to do Mrs Miniver
because Billy Wilder had asked me,
and by then,
Mr Goldwyn had signed me.

I did that and then
Pride of the Yankees , almost in a row.

I mean, each one lasted
almost four months.

Then I was married and very caught up
in, you know, having my first home

and all of that.
Then this script came,
and, of course, everybody
wants to do a Hitchcock film.
