You see them in the best hotels
every day by the thousands,
drinking the money, eating the money,
losing the money at bridge,
playing all day and all night,
smelling of money.
That speech is very shocking.
Even today, you look at it and you say,
Wow, that's pretty strong stuff."
faded, fat, greedy women.
(Charlie) But they're alive!
They're human beings!
Are they?
I think the interesting thing
about Shadow of a Doubt is that
it was one of the two movies
where actually the villain is the hero,
as in Psycho .
(Bogdanovich) That's one of the things
you can characterise about Hitchcock
is this kind of empathy for the devil.
(Emma) Joe, it's Herbert.
He always comes when we're eating.
(Wright) The other thing
I love about Hitchcock's films
is that no matter how serious
or how tragic or desperate
or scary the film is,
it's always mixed up with humour.
It's the humour that
gives the edge to the horror.
The humour makes you feel safe.
After having been slightly scared,
you feel very safe and you're laughing,
and then, bang, there's
something there that hits you.
I know what you are, really.
You're a detective.
There's something the matter,
and you're a detective.
- Charlie, listen.
- I don't want to listen.
(Boyle) He once said
if he got in trouble with a scene,
he would always try to think
of a good dirty joke,
because a dirty joke
had a pertect construction.
It had a beginning, a middle, and an end.
And it's true. (Chuckles)
He loved, uh... He loved
that kind of succinct storytelling.
If I brought you some mushrooms,
would you eat them, Joe?
I suppose I would. Why?
Then I've got it. You see?
The worst I'd be accused of would be
manslaughter. Doubt if I'd get that.