it's always mixed up with humour.
It's the humour that
gives the edge to the horror.
The humour makes you feel safe.
After having been slightly scared,
you feel very safe and you're laughing,
and then, bang, there's
something there that hits you.
I know what you are, really.
You're a detective.
There's something the matter,
and you're a detective.
- Charlie, listen.
- I don't want to listen.
(Boyle) He once said
if he got in trouble with a scene,
he would always try to think
of a good dirty joke,
because a dirty joke
had a pertect construction.
It had a beginning, a middle, and an end.
And it's true. (Chuckles)
He loved, uh... He loved
that kind of succinct storytelling.
If I brought you some mushrooms,
would you eat them, Joe?
I suppose I would. Why?
Then I've got it. You see?
The worst I'd be accused of would be
manslaughter. Doubt if I'd get that.
Accidental death, pure and simple.
A basket of good mushrooms and...
two or three poisonous ones.
(Wright) Then as far as the Hume
Cronyn and Henry Travers characters,
Charlie had heard him tell
these stories and murders
and how to kill people hundreds
of times and it never bothered her,
but to hear these same stories
when she's now terrified of this man
and wondering
how she's going to deal with it,
and to have these two men there
talking about ways to kill people...
A bathtub.
Pull the legs out from under you,
hold you down.
It's been done, but it's still good.
Oh, what's the matter with you two?
Do you always have to talk
about killing people?
(Cronyn) I had a scene
at the dining table with Teresa Wright.
She said something to me.
I was shocked and offended, and
I stood up and stepped back from her.
And, uh, Hitch said, um,
"That's fine, Hume,
but when you stand up