don't step back."
I'm not about to argue
with Mr Hitchcock.
We shot the scene and he said, "Cut!"
"Hume, you stepped back again."
I said, "I'm sorry, sir,
but it feels so uncomfortable."
He said,
"Alright, then let's shoot it again."
"You stand up, you step back,
and we'll have
a comfortable actor with no head."
(Laughing) And then he...
After we'd got this shot,
he said something which
was worth remembering.
He said,
"The camera lies, you know,
and when it does,
you have to learn to accommodate it."
Can't we have
a little peace and quiet here
without dragging
in poisons all the time?
(Uncle Charlie) Now look, Charlie.
Something's come between us.
I don't want that to happen.
Why, we're old friends.
More than that.
We're like twins. You said so yourself.
Don't touch me, Uncle Charlie.
(Wright) The interesting part,
as far as the role I played,
is the fact that she starts off as this
innocent, and petulant young girl
who's just kind of bored with life.
"Gee, everybody does
the same thing all the time."
"Why can't we ever
do anything exciting?"
What we need is Uncle Charlie."
"Someone gay and wonderful."
"He'll shake us all up, and
mother will be so happy to see him."
It was a wondertul chance for
a young actress to start off one way,
and to change
and grow before your eyes
to be dealt this terrible problem,
which anybody, at any age,
would find difficult to solve.
Charlie, give me this last chance.
Take your chance. Go.
I'll go, Charlie, I'll go.
Just give me a few days.