More than that.
We're like twins. You said so yourself.
Don't touch me, Uncle Charlie.
(Wright) The interesting part,
as far as the role I played,
is the fact that she starts off as this
innocent, and petulant young girl
who's just kind of bored with life.
"Gee, everybody does
the same thing all the time."
"Why can't we ever
do anything exciting?"
What we need is Uncle Charlie."
"Someone gay and wonderful."
"He'll shake us all up, and
mother will be so happy to see him."
It was a wondertul chance for
a young actress to start off one way,
and to change
and grow before your eyes
to be dealt this terrible problem,
which anybody, at any age,
would find difficult to solve.
Charlie, give me this last chance.
Take your chance. Go.
I'll go, Charlie, I'll go.
Just give me a few days.
Think of your mother.
It'll kill your mother.
Yes, it would kill my mother.
(Bogdanovich) I asked Hitchcock once.
I said, "She seems to love him,
and yet she's the one
that brings him down."
And he said, "It's because she
watches him more than anybody else."
"She cares about him
more than anybody else."
That's part of the irony of the piece.
Hitch would then quote
Oscar Wilde, you know,
"Each man kills the thing he loves."
Graham thought you could
get your uncle to leave town now.
(Charlie) I've got to, haven't I?
I'll make him leave. I'll make him.
They caught that other fella,
the Merry Widow Murderer.
(Joe) They did, did they?
(Graham) Here you were,
trying to get your uncle out of town.
He must've thought you were crazy.
(Wright) I was talking to Pat about
the scene I did with Macdonald Carey.
I was worried about the gist of it,