Sherlock Holmes Faces Death

Thirteen again.
Her whole attitude
confuses me, Watson.

she swears she hasn't
seen Brunton since night

and yet she seems
completely unwilling

to help us find him.
And so she knows where
he is as well as we do,

I mean as well
as we don't.

I wonder.
You said that he was
drinking last night.

Wouldn't it be a good
idea to try the pub?

Exactly where we're
headed for, Watson.

I'm glad we thought of it
even if we don't
find Brunton.

I was afraid we
couldn't find him here.

Well boy oh boy, I
could do with a drink.

For your information
so could I.

Well hello, doctor.
Not looking for us
are you, are you?

As a matter of fact
we're looking for...

You haven't seen
him, have you?

Have we Clavering,
have we?

Why should we?
Morning, Gracie.
Morning, doctor.
What do you have?
A bottle of Bass
and what's yours?

A pint of bitter, please.
And a pint of bitter.
I'm a devil.
I'm a devil.
Oh really?
A tame raven.
You're a devil are you,
a kettle are you?
I'm a devil.
I'm a devil.
Birds of prey,
aren't they.

Yes, in a way,
scavengers rather.

They can smell a carcass
a half a mile off.

Yeah, that they
can and all.

You should see
Charlie here

when there's a tasty bit
outside in the street.

Shall we go sit down?
