Gracie, have you
seen Dr. Watson?
He's over there Lass.
Thank you.
May I speak to you a
moment, Mr. Holmes?
What's wrong, Sally.
We can't find my
brother, Phillip.
Did you look in his room?
That's the trouble, we
had to force the door.
It was locked
on the inside.
Oh you must
come, Mr. Holmes.
Certainly, Sally, at once.
Do be quick something
ghastly has happened.
I know it.
And that dreadful bird,
please haul it away.
Watson, take it away.
Away where to?
Into the parlor.
Just take it away.
Phillip Musgrave.
What are they doing
now, doing now?
I don't know.
They stopped talking.
Somebody's walking
about in the upper hall,
heavy footsteps.
There's no doubt
about it, Watson.
Phillip Musgrave had a
visitor here last night.
These footprints were made
either by a very heavy man
or a man carrying a
very heavy burden.
That's right, Mr. Holmes.
It's no good
saying it ain't.
The burden was Phillip
Musgrave's body
and these here
were made by
Alfred Brunton.
It doesn't
necessarily follow.
Oh don't it.
Here, try that on
your footprint.
And that's Alfred
Brunton's shoe.
Fits perfectly, inspector.
But the fact
that these prints
were made by
Brunton's shoes