Sherlock Holmes Faces Death

What are they doing
now, doing now?

I don't know.
They stopped talking.
Somebody's walking
about in the upper hall,

heavy footsteps.
There's no doubt
about it, Watson.

Phillip Musgrave had a
visitor here last night.

These footprints were made
either by a very heavy man
or a man carrying a
very heavy burden.

That's right, Mr. Holmes.
It's no good
saying it ain't.

The burden was Phillip
Musgrave's body

and these here

were made by
Alfred Brunton.

It doesn't
necessarily follow.

Oh don't it.
Here, try that on
your footprint.

And that's Alfred
Brunton's shoe.

Fits perfectly, inspector.
But the fact
that these prints

were made by
Brunton's shoes

doesn't prove
that Brunton's
feet were in them.

Why not?
Where should
Brunton's feet be

if not in his own shoe?
Well they're
not in them now.

Look here, Holmes.
Let's use our intellect.
Your what?
What's wrong with that.
Let's stick to motive.
That's my strong point.
Now this here
Brunton had motive.

Phillip Musgrave gave
him the sack, didn't he?

Did Geoffrey Musgrave
also gave him the sack?

What's that got
to do with it?

The similarity of
method in both murders

shows they were the
work of one man.

Well that leaves
Vickery out.

He was in jail at the
time of this murder.

All right, all right.
Alfred Brunton's our
man, just what I said.

What possible motive
could Brunton have had

for the murder of
Geoffrey Musgrave?

Oh bother motive.
Who cares about motive.
This case is as
simple as ABC.

Is it?
Then perhaps you
can explain to us

why these footprints
lead up to a blank wall

and never return.
You didn't think of
that, did you inspector?

There's just one
possible explanation.

I've got it.
Brunton murdered Musgrave
right up against the wall.

He hoisted the body
over his shoulder

like this you see,
walks backwards clean
out of the room.

That's a very undignified
position, Lestrade.
