Shall we tell Davies you're coming?
Yes, yes, of course.
I suppose I'll have to.
But, doggone it,
this is the sheriff's job, not mine.
If he don't come around,
we'll go get him ourselves.
Coming along, Sparks?
SPARKS: No, I don't guess so.
SMITH: Better come along, Sparks.
Ain't every day we have a hanging
in a town as dead as this one.
You won't have to do nothing.
All the real work is signed up.
We ought to have a reverend along,
because there gonna be some praying.
Maybe you're right, Mr. Smith.
Maybe somebody ought to go along
that feels the way I do.
SMITH: Davies'll loan you his Bible, all
the reading will be done at the burial.
Thank you, sir, but I knows my text
without the Book.
-They're kidding you, Sparks.
-I know, sir. . .
. . .but maybe Mr. Smith is accidentally
right. Maybe I ought to go along.
There's an old horse in my shed
you can use.
Thank you, sir. I'll go and fetch him.
Here comes Ma!
MAN: Come on, we're ready to go!
MA: Hi, boys!
MAN: Come on, Jenny!
These boys are getting tired of waiting!
-Well, boys, what are we waiting for?
-Judge Tyler. Davies asked him to come.
I understand how it is, men.
My old friend Larry Kinkaid,
one of the finest and noblest--
Cut the stumping, Tyler.
All we want is your blessing.
Of course, you can't flinch
from what you believe to be your duty. . .