The Ox-Bow Incident

SMITH: Davies'll loan you his Bible, all
the reading will be done at the burial.

Thank you, sir, but I knows my text
without the Book.

-They're kidding you, Sparks.
-I know, sir. . .

. . .but maybe Mr. Smith is accidentally
right. Maybe I ought to go along.

There's an old horse in my shed
you can use.

Thank you, sir. I'll go and fetch him.
Here comes Ma!
MAN: Come on, we're ready to go!
MA: Hi, boys!

MAN: Come on, Jenny!
These boys are getting tired of waiting!

-Well, boys, what are we waiting for?
-Judge Tyler. Davies asked him to come.

I understand how it is, men.
My old friend Larry Kinkaid,
one of the finest and noblest--

Cut the stumping, Tyler.
All we want is your blessing.

Of course, you can't flinch
from what you believe to be your duty. . .

. . .but certainly you don't want
to act hastily. . .

. . .in the same spirit of lawlessness
that begot this foul crime.

Before you get ready to act,
them rustlers will be clear over the Rio.

One more word and I'll have you up
for impeding the course of justice.

Judge, you can't impede
what don't move anyway.

And you, Jenny Grier, a woman.
To lend yourself to this. . . .

DAVIES: Now, now, listen. Listen, men.

I've just found out that
Sheriff Risley's already at Kinkaid's.

-That right?
JUDGE: Yes, he's been there all morning.

So, you see, probably everything's
being attended to right now. Legally.

All you'll get out of it
is a long, hard ride.

It'll be dark before long,
and mighty cold.

My advice is to come in, have a drink.
Let's wait till we hear from the sheriff.

Drinks on the house. But only one round.
I'm not filling any bucket bellies.

I'll make it two.
