You shouldn't have killed him.
Just because he knows something
about us, what happens?
We come to him for help
and he tries to shake us down.
Besides, he said I looked like Boris Karloff.
That's your work, doctor.
You did that to me.
Please, Johnny, take it easy.
We'll find some place
and I'll fix you up right away.
Yes, tonight, but I have to eat first.
This time, I want the face
of an absolute nonentity.
Yes. I know exactly what I'm going to do.
You see, I'm going to take this piece here
and lift it up--
Be careful about the stitches this time.
You leave that up to me.
I'll give you nice ears and--
-You were careless last time.
-And new stitches.
And on the eyes I'll do a Schmidt.
That's my specialty.
-I take it together like this--
-Leave the eyes alone.
Leave the nose alone.
Poor Teddy.
I imagine it's for the best.
"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do--"
Sign right here, please, Judge. Excuse me.
Right there.
Sometimes I think,
with the world in its present chaotic state--
Yes, we'd all be better off at Happy Dale.
I sign here as next of kin, don't l?
Only last week I created a mild sensation...
...at the Bar Association, when I said--
Goodbye. Good luck, Judge. Thank you.
Tell Martha and Abby I'll be over this week.
I've been feeling rather lonely.
No! Never tell them
you've been lonely. Never!
-Why, I don't--
Tell me, are you a drinking man?
Why, no. I never indulge.
Good! Then you'll live longer.
Of course a little wine now--
No! For heaven's sake, no wine!
I may be committing the wrong Brewster.