"and the diamonds and pearls
from the earrings of Queen Elizabeth."
Jewels are wonderful things.
They have a life of their own.
Gregory, can't we go home now?
Of course, my dear. I'll take you home.
That's the mistress's room.
That's the master's.
We've got all this to see to.
Have you got the sheets there?
I could have sworn
that there were more than that, but...
- What's up there?
- Never mind about up there.
- The whole floor's been boarded off.
- Why?
That's the way the master wanted it.
You were right.
There is nothing more beautiful
than London in sunshine.
I'm sorry I spoiled the day
by bringing you home so soon.
You should lie down
and rest for a little, Paula.
Should I stay with you
and not go out this evening?
No. You go and work as usual.
Can you really work
in that room you rented?
I wish you'd let me see it
and make it attractive.
I never notice my surroundings
when I'm working.
You might give me your broach
so I can have it repaired.
What's the matter? Anything wrong?
I can't find it.
I missed it when we were in the Tower.
I must turn everything out.
I know it was here. I can't understand it.
I couldn't have lost it. It must be here.