Do you really think Nancy despises you?
Answer me, Paula. Do you?
No, Gregory.
I'm glad of that.
It hurts me when you're ill and fanciful.
Come in.
What is it now?
If you please, sir,
Miss Thwaites is downstairs.
She wanted to know
if the mistress was at home.
You mean that old busybody
from across the square?
Yes, sir. She has her nephew with her.
I don't think
we need bore ourselves with them.
- Tell her your mistress is not at home.
- Gregory, really, she's been...
My dear, if you let her in once,
you'll always have her here.
But she's called so often,
and we've never been at home to her...
I do not want people all over this house!
Bringing her family with her.
You tell Miss Thwaites...
that your mistress is sorry,
but she's not well enough to see her.
Very good, sir.
Gregory, why did you do that?
I would've liked to have seen her.
I thought you were only trying
to be polite.
Why didn't you tell me
you really wanted to see her?
I couldn't in front of that girl.
You must get over
this ridiculous fear of the servants.
If you really wanted to see her,
all you had to say was:
"Show her up, Nancy," wasn't it?
- Yes, but...
- I'm sorry, miss. That's all I know.
The mistress isn't well enough
to receive anyone.
Please tell her how sorry we are.
Come along, Auntie dear.