Since you've thrown suspicion
on the servants...
they must be cleared of it. Now sit down.
Did you hear what I said?
Sit down.
Come here, Nancy.
A picture has been taken down
from the wall there.
So it has. That's another rum go.
I did not ask
for any comments on your part.
I want to know whether it was you
who took the picture down.
Of course it wasn't, sir.
What would I want to take it down for?
Shall I ask her to kiss the Bible, Paula,
or will you accept her word?
- Of course I'll accept it. Let her go.
- Very well. You may go, Nancy.
Give me that Bible!
There. Do you see? I swear on the Bible
I didn't take that picture down.
Go look for that picture.
So you knew where it was all the time.