Go look for that picture.
So you knew where it was all the time.
I didn't know.
I only looked there because that's
where it was found twice before.
I didn't know, Gregory.
I didn't.
I think you better go to your room.
We're not going to the theater?
I'm afraid you are far from well enough
for the theater.
Now come.
- Lf it was I who took that picture down...
- lf?
If it was I who took it down
the other times...
if I do all these senseless,
meaningless things...
It's so meaningless.
Why should I take a picture down?
- Then I don't know what I do anymore.
- I know, Paula.
- That's just the trouble.
- But then, if that's true...
then you must be gentle with me.
You must bear with me, please.
Please, Gregory, please.
Now come, Paula.