Going My Way

Come right in, Pat.
- I got a problem, Father.
- Yeah?

Seems like it's more yours than mine.
It's her. Well, Father, it's this way.
Last night I'm walking me beat, see?
Who do you think I runs into?

- Her?
- Mrs. Quimp.

[Lmitating Hattie] "Officer McCarthy,"
she says.

- You know how the old stool pigeon talks.
- Yes, I do.

"If you'll go around the corner,
you'll find a girl.

"I've been watching her
and she ain't up to no good."

Well, Father, I goes around the corner
and there, like the Quimp says, I finds her.

MCCARTHY: Do you follow me, Father?

Well, I looks at her and sizes her up.
One of those things, I think.
I'm just about to say to her:

"Look, sister, not on my beat."
When she turns,
and right away I sees I'm out of line.

- You follow me, Father?
- Yeah.

To get down to it, Father,
I find she's broke and run away from home.

Doesn't know a soul in town.
So, instead of booking her,
I takes her home.

It's all right with the missus for one night,
but if she stays any longer...

I guess Mrs. McCarthy,
good woman that she is...

is no different from any other woman.
- You follow me, Father?
- I follow you.

So, anyway, she tells us
that she's run away from home...

on account of
her folks don't understand her.

We tried arguing with her, Father,
but she's a tough one.

She thinks "Honour thy father
and thy mother" is a belly laugh.

Well, Father, guess I'll let you
pick it up from here.

MCCARTHY: Says her name's Carol James.
O'MALLEY: All right, McCarthy.

MCCARTHY: So long.
O'MALLEY: Goodbye.

MCCARTHY: All right. You can go in now.
Come right in.
Won't you sit down over here?

Carol, suppose you give us
your version of it?

I guess it's just about like he said.
