Mr. Skeffington

Too hot.
Tell me. What do you people talk about
down in your section of Maryland?

Horses. And hounds.
You must think.
What do you think about?

What we talk about.
Horses and hounds.
Of course, I do a lot
of thinking about Fanny.

Tell me, is that all you people talk about?
Horses and hounds.

Oh, no. No.
We do quite a bit of sailing too.
You must lead a busy life.
I should say.
Stables and all,
doesn't give you a minute.

Besides which, I'm thinking
of running for Congress in the fall.

You are?
You should have an easy time
with all those horses squarely behind you.

Well, thought it would be rather nice
for Fanny. Wife of a statesman.

Would it be too difficult to grasp
that others have proposed to her too?

Oh, I grasp it.
But she can't marry all of us, you know.
Well, when you're elected to Congress,
perhaps you can arrange that.

Who the devil is that?
- Good evening, Soames.
- Good evening, Mr. Thatcher.

- Is Miss Fanny down yet?
- She's upstairs dressing.

I thought if I came before the rest...
...there might be an opportunity
for a chat.

I understand, sir. But you see...
What are you doing here, Thatcher?
I feel I have a right
to propose to Fanny now.

Father's promised
to increase my allowance.

He has? Doesn't he want
to marry her himself?

We didn't discuss it.
Well, Jim, what do you think?
War or no war?

What war is that?
Oh, sorry.
Thinking about Fanny.
