Mr. Skeffington

But she can't marry all of us, you know.
Well, when you're elected to Congress,
perhaps you can arrange that.

Who the devil is that?
- Good evening, Soames.
- Good evening, Mr. Thatcher.

- Is Miss Fanny down yet?
- She's upstairs dressing.

I thought if I came before the rest...
...there might be an opportunity
for a chat.

I understand, sir. But you see...
What are you doing here, Thatcher?
I feel I have a right
to propose to Fanny now.

Father's promised
to increase my allowance.

He has? Doesn't he want
to marry her himself?

We didn't discuss it.
Well, Jim, what do you think?
War or no war?

What war is that?
Oh, sorry.
Thinking about Fanny.

- Hello.
- Glad to see you.

- Is Fanny in?
- She's upstairs dressing.

- Don't announce me. I'll go up.
- When did you get in to town?

- Just off the train. How is everyone?
- Everyone's fine.

- We're giving a dinner party tonight.
- Good.

- Going to be with us long?
- I hope so.

- Be sure to save me a place for dinner.
- Yes, sir.

I don't recognize him.
Either of you know him?

Fanny will have to stop meeting people.
Looks like he's never been
on a horse in his life.

Without even knocking.
- Hello, Fanny.
- Who is it?

- George.
- George? Which George?

Which...? How many Georges
are there in your life?

Oh, three or four.
Well, this George is going straight
back to California.

Cousin George.
- George.
- Fanny.

- George, darling.
- Fanny.
