- that doesn't smell of cabbage.
- Well, it does sometimes.
I was given to understand
at the office of the Purchasing Division,
to which I have
the misfortune to be attached,
that you had a room for rent.
Yes, but I specified an officer.
You see, my husband...
My name is Smollett, William G.,
Colonel, United States Army, retired.
Retired, I might add, by virtue
of certain fatuous opinions
held in the War Department
which judge a man's usefulness
neither by his experience
nor his ability,
but by the number of years
since he was weaned.
There was nothing
in the information I was furnished
which indicated that you
had children and domestic pets.
I'm sorry, but they
go with the house.
We won't discuss it.
With your permission, madam,
may we dispense
with further conversation?
I should like
to inspect the room.
Certainly. Just follow me.
I do hope you'll forgive me
if I've been long-winded.
Not at all, madam.
Through a full
and somewhat protracted existence,
I have learned to accept
the natural tendency
of all women to be garrulous.
You're very tolerant, Colonel.
This is an outrage!
Mrs. Hilton!
Can I do anything for you,
Colonel Smollett?
- Mother's busy in the kitchen.
- Indeed you can, Miss Hilton.
You can tell me
who had the kindness
to leave on my bed this
pronouncement from Washington,
this lesson in old-world
courtesy and manners.
I did that, Colonel Smollett.
I thought it might
make it easier for us to get along.
Would you mind helping me
with my aquarium?
Mother's going to use this room.
I have to get my things into Jane's room.
Now, if you'll just
grab that end there...
Now you walk backwards
and I'll steer you.
The big one seems to be
the commanding officer.