Since You Went Away

Through a full
and somewhat protracted existence,

I have learned to accept
the natural tendency

of all women to be garrulous.
You're very tolerant, Colonel.
This is an outrage!
Mrs. Hilton!

Can I do anything for you,
Colonel Smollett?

- Mother's busy in the kitchen.
- Indeed you can, Miss Hilton.

You can tell me
who had the kindness

to leave on my bed this
pronouncement from Washington,

this lesson in old-world
courtesy and manners.

I did that, Colonel Smollett.
I thought it might
make it easier for us to get along.

Would you mind helping me
with my aquarium?

Mother's going to use this room.
I have to get my things into Jane's room.

Now, if you'll just
grab that end there...

Now you walk backwards
and I'll steer you.

The big one seems to be
the commanding officer.

- Don't you think that's intriguing?
- Fascinating.

It's a little over to the right.
Be careful not to shake them.
They're very sensitive.

You must forgive me
if I do anything wrong.

This is my first experience
hauling fish.

Thanks, Colonel.
I'll do as much for you someday.

I'll tell you what you
can do for me, young woman.

There are certain elaborate
suggestions on page three

of this war communiqué
concerning the condition,

the schedule, and the equipment
of the bathroom.

- Oh, yes.
- You do see?

Then may I ask you
to follow me for a moment?

It was my idea
that we should take in a roomer,

and I'm so glad the whole thing's
turned out so super.

Since you are so ecstatic
over the whole arrangement,

may I ask you whether you
expect me to bathe under that?

Golly, there's a shower
off Pop's room... I mean your room.

And is it necessary
that your paying guest

share the facilities of the house
with this vegetable life?

You don't understand. This is
the philodendron Pop gave me.
