My life is an endless series
of disappointments...
no steak, nobody loves me.
You wouldn't think so if you'd heard the kids
when I told them you were in town.
I can't figure out just what
special charm you have for them.
They have better taste
than their mother.
I think they believe
you're some kind of genius.
Those cover girls you used
to paint for romantic tales
really gave you glamour
in their eyes.
Gone are the days.
Still, there is a certain similarity
between a beautiful woman
and a battleship.
There must be, or else why would you
be so interested in battleships?
You got me wrong, Anne.
As far as I'm concerned, there never
was a beautiful woman but you.
Ever since that summer the crowd
of us went to the Thousand Islands
and I first saw you standing
on that little yawl.
You had on that white
bathing suit. Remember?
With your hair
blowing in the wind.
Why, Tony Willett!
When did you get back?
- Hello, sugar.
- Give me a ring.
Yes, I will. I will.
We were in the Thousand Islands
with my hair blowing in the wind.
Really, Anne,
that was nobody at all,
just a girl I happened to meet
the last time I was in town.
Tony, you don't have to
apologize to me.
I'd be disappointed
if you ever changed.
When we get home, I'll show you
something to prove...
What do you mean,
when "we" get home?
You certainly mean
to put me up?
Probably can't get a room
anyplace else.
The hotels are jammed.
Why do these things
always happen to me?
I don't see why it should
be any hardship to you.
You ought to have
plenty of room.
You think you're
going to share my room?
The girls can double up.
The girls have already
doubled up.
- We have a lodger.
- A lodger?
Don't start.
I had enough of it from Emily.
- We needed the money.
- Get a job.
You look perfectly able-bodied
to me, if I may use the word "body."
What on earth could I do?
You could do plenty
if you really wanted to.
Let's skip it.
I don't want to hear a serious word
out of either of us until I leave.
Tony, it's so good to see you.