All right, I'll be getting married
myself someday,
and you'll be looking
for an invitation from me.
Then you'll be sorry
you were so snooty about it.
Come on in, Soda,
if you're coming.
- Hello, girls.
- Hello, Mother.
Would you mind checking the oven?
I've been making cookies.
- Mother, do I have to?
- Do as Mother asks, Brig.
All right.
Come into the living room.
I'd like to talk to you.
What's the matter?
- Mayn't I talk to you if I want?
- Of course.
But you sound so strange.
Do I? I'm sorry,
I don't mean to.
What is it?
Why couldn't Brig hear?
Is that why you sent her...
- Not about... Pop?
- No.
Sit down, darling.
Jane, dear, I'm terribly proud
of the way you've grown up.
I'm sorry Pop missed it.
Is that all?
That's sweet of you, Mother.
No, dear, it isn't...
It's so wonderful
being at the hospital.
I wish you could
come and visit.
I will.
But some of it's so sad.
If you could see those boys.
And they're so cheerful,
most of them.
I know.
They have such courage.
I like to think that you have
that kind of courage, too, darling.
What are you trying to tell me?
That when a man goes off to war,
we have to be...
It's Bill!
The telegram came
just a few minutes ago.
It was addressed to you,
but I opened it.
Did it say he was missing or what?
I don't care if he's wounded,
if only...
No, dear, it said he...
It said he died in action
at Salerno.
It couldn't be!