Good night, my child.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Colonel
Happy birthday to you
Thank you, Mrs. Hilton.
Thank you, Jane. Thank you, Brig.
And thank you, Fidelia,
for the beautiful cake.
Better wait till you taste it.
It's kind of an experimentation.
Now you make a wish.
And if you want it to come true,
you have to blow out
all the candles with one breath.
Really? All of them?
Yes, indeed.
Don't you think we might allow
the colonel two breaths?
No special dispensations
are necessary.
Now you have to get
the first piece.
Really, Bridget,
I wasn't born yesterday.
There are a few things
that I do know.
Bridget, he's here again.
Soda, get down.
Come here.
He never does that
with anybody else.
He's apparently
very devoted to you.
I have taken every conceivable step
to discourage his affection.
I wonder who that could be.
Is you anticipating callers,
Miz Hilton?
I'll answer it, Fidelia.
Don't you bother. You're busy.
If it's Gladys,
I'm not home.
Yes, the bad penny again.
- How are you, Janie?
- I'm fine, Tony.
Brig wrote me about... everything.
Please, don't talk about it.