I am deeply touched, deeply touched.
Your wife's a wonderful woman.
- Thank you. May I take these?
- Why, certainly.
And have your coat?
- Well, it's just about time to feed her.
- Feed her? Oh, yes.
Well, you do this,
and I'll go get her dinner.
Well, princess...
...how we doing, huh?
Here we are.
Elizabeth, darling.
Oh, merry Christmas, Mr. Yardley.
Merry Christmas, my dear Mrs. Lane.
Or rather, Mrs. Sloan.
It's a great privilege, a great privilege.
I have been admiring your charming room.
It's exactly as you described it. But...
Where is the spinning wheel?
- The spinning wheel?
- Oh, yes, the spinning wheel.
- You wrote about it last month.
- Yes, it's...
Oh, it's out being repaired.
You know how antiques are.
Oh, yes, of course.
But what a delightful room.
Such a magnificent fireplace.
I like a good, generous fireplace.
- Makes a room so friendly and warm.
- Yes, indeed.
Yes, I specialize in fireplaces,
Mr. Yardley.
I will never allow any of my clients
to plan without one.
But we don't depend entirely
on the fireplace to warm the house.
- No?
- Oh, no, no. I should say not.
No, we have unit heat, and each
heating pipe has a triple-wall jacket...
...and all the outside walls
are double insulated.
- How interesting.
- Yes. It is. Isn't it?
Well, here we are, Mommy.
All dressed and ready for chow.
Mr. Yardley, this is Mr. Jones.
Mighty proud to meet you, Jones.
- Thank you very much, sir.
- And this is my husband.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- It's a mighty fine baby you have, Mr. Lane.
- Sloan is the name.
Well, well, what a cherub.
Oh, there, there.
That's no way to treat a stranger.