What difference does it make?
Uncovered or covered,
the eyes see no more.
Looks all right.
It'll give us all something to do.
Better to watch the wind and hope
that it changes...
than to watch each other
and have no hope at all.
The wind is our only hope.
A change in the wind. Is that it, Doctor?
Of course, we can take certain simple
sanitary precautions.
The General is putting
all his hopes on you, Doctor.
Yes, I know.
That frightens me more than the plague.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I wonder if I could have a word
with you alone, Doctor?
I have an explanation
and apology to make to you.
- Certainly.
- Oh, don't go, I'm leaving.
The ledge is getting too populous.
Remember the General's instructions
about gathering in groups.
Doctor, I'm extremely sorry
for what happened yesterday.
- I would like to explain.
- Of course, Mrs. St. Aubyn.
All my life, I've had a dreadful fear
of premature burial.
I awaken sometimes
screaming with nightmares...
in which I see myself buried alive...
waking to find myself entombed,
without air...
- stifling, and no escape.
- I know. It's not an uncommon fear.