than to watch each other
and have no hope at all.
The wind is our only hope.
A change in the wind. Is that it, Doctor?
Of course, we can take certain simple
sanitary precautions.
The General is putting
all his hopes on you, Doctor.
Yes, I know.
That frightens me more than the plague.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I wonder if I could have a word
with you alone, Doctor?
I have an explanation
and apology to make to you.
- Certainly.
- Oh, don't go, I'm leaving.
The ledge is getting too populous.
Remember the General's instructions
about gathering in groups.
Doctor, I'm extremely sorry
for what happened yesterday.
- I would like to explain.
- Of course, Mrs. St. Aubyn.
All my life, I've had a dreadful fear
of premature burial.
I awaken sometimes
screaming with nightmares...
in which I see myself buried alive...
waking to find myself entombed,
without air...
- stifling, and no escape.
- I know. It's not an uncommon fear.
Perhaps I have more reason
for my fear than most.
You see, since childhood I've been ill.
I have fainting spells.
Was it I who mentioned
catalepsy yesterday?
Yes. I couldn't tell you then.
I've had trances lasting more than a day...
with almost complete suspension
of heartbeat and respiration.
I should have known. I'm terribly sorry.
I would never have spoken as I did.
But you need not fear.
I will take every precaution,
make every known test.
- If you are unlucky...
- Thank you.
Now that you understand,
I'm no longer afraid.